Sunday, October 19, 2008

Smoke damage repair, part 2

Today we spent the day painting the kitchen. Partly because we were planning to anyway, partly to "fix" the smoke damage caused by the flaming wok.

We spent the morning prepping and priming with Kilz.

Then I went out to City Mill and picked up some paint. L had some swatches and I picked out "Hodly Red". L was looking at the kitchen after a little bit of paint was applied from the living room where she could also see the green walls and dark brown sofa, she said it reminded her of the ti leaves we have in the back yard. The light green matches the bamboo and other plants in our back yard and the sofa kinda looks like the moss rock wall. Ummm.... yeah, that's why I chose that color..... that's the ticket!

Actually a kinda lucky coincidence. Or was it subliminal?

Here's the finished product. It looks a bit like plum. L did most of the painting and all of the taping. I did lots of edging.

Oh yeah, maybe I picked the color because I love roasting plums. Yeah.... that's it.

Notice the first thing that got put back? Look at the left corner on the counter - local style - gotta be the rice cooker!!!

Next we gotta work on the ceiling.

We've lived here for 3 years already and we still haven't painted the entire interior. We just never seem to have much time for anything. A single guy I know mocked me once for writing music at lunchtime, telling me why don't I just do that at home. Between a full time job, commuting for 2 1/2 hours a day (shuttling the kids to and from school), cooking meals at home to save money and eat healthier, soccer practices and games, bathing the kids, checking their homework and putting them to bed, PTA meetings, laundry, dishes, marketing and chores in general, I'm pretty lucky I can find time to practice with my band every week and.... ahem.... blog.

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