Thursday, October 16, 2008


I never thought I'd have a blog. I've always wondered..... "who cares?"

And then I started a blog.

This particular posting is one of those things that made me roll my eyes about blogs in the first place. It's boring and mundane. Not to mention, I couldn't even bother to take a real picture, I had to use a stock photo. I mean, jeez, if you're gonna post something that nobody cares about, at least make an effort.

So here's my post: I bought a drum throne from It is a roc n soc, whatever that means. It is uber comfortable. And it is the perfect height for playing drums, unlike that cheap $15 Wal Mart stool that I was using that sits you like 4 inches too low. I love my drum throne. It is really soft on my butt. And I've never owned a "throne" before. I feel like royalty.

This blog has hit an all time low. I better go out and get a speeding ticket or something.

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