Sunday, November 23, 2008

The rain let up

but not before leaving my entire backyard drenched and muddy. I was talking to my bro in L.A. yesterday morning and he told me to put out gin, Hawaiian salt and a ti leaf, which supposedly would stop the rain. I didn't have gin, but I had about a quarter of a huge bottle of Skyy vodka. The gods were fooled initially because the rain let up, but I think they realized it was vodka so they kept the rain going until early afternoon.

Here are some of the guests in the backyard. There were a lot more people in the house playing video games and watching Wall-E, and more hanging out by the sushi and tempura makers.

Here's the sushi maker. That was a big hit!!

Here's the tempura maker. I was REALLY nervous about this, because the tent for my band was right next to him, and any jarring of my tent might have dropped a big splash of water into his vat of hot oil, which would have been disastrous. Fortunately it didn't happen.

Here's the band. Because of the rain and the size of the stage, we had to play acoustically. Well, sorta acoustic - Danny played my electric kit and I played electric bass. It was the setup that had the smallest footprint on stage. I think the music goes over really well acoustically.

It was an awesome party!! Fortunately everyone braved the rain to make it out and I have to say, I have the coolest family and friends anyone could ask for.


B said...

I wish I could have made it. It looked like I missed out on a real nice party (despite the rain). Everyone's grinding in the photos. I'm hungry just looking at the tempura and sushi makers.

I should have included instructions on how to stop the rain though. You were supposed to lick the salt, take a shot of vodka and put the ti leaf on your head.

The Death Metal Soccer Coach said...

NOW you tell me. I licked the ti leaf, chugged some salt and poured the vodka on my head.

angelpoo said...

Thanks for inviting us. It was a cool party and we had a blast. Your kids are so adorable. I have photos on my iPod and I will blog about it soon.