Monday, January 25, 2010

The Dollhouse is just about finished

No, it's not another project for my daughter's class or something. It's the Fox series "Dollhouse", whose series is about to come to an end after just two seasons.

This show was my first introduction to a Joss Whedon series (his claim to fame was Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and judging by what I know about his other shows, this one was different in that it was more science fiction than horror/fantasy. The premise is that there is a huge corporation who is experimenting in neuroscience and has perfected a way to wipe a brain clean, and imprint it with a new personality. The "Dollhouse" is an underground lab in L.A. who rents out their "dolls", or people who have come to the corporation more or less voluntarily to have their brains wiped for 5 years, for various "engagements" (for the most part prostitution).

The initial development of the show was slow and focused on individual "engagements", but there was always a psychological / physical threat. As a result, the series got off to a slow start. But as the show progressed, it took a thematic turn to a blend of The X-Files and The Matrix, with a little bit of Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. While the acting in the series was bland at best, the storyline was continuously intriguing and complex.

The series wrapped up rather nicely with some very unexpected twists and turns, one of which was almost in a Darth Vaderian "I am your FATHER" moment.

I'm bummed that this series has come to an end, but like a good movie I enjoyed seeing it through. If you haven't seen this show and get a chance, download a few episodes on iTunes and you'll be hooked. It really starts getting good in the middle of season 1. Or better yet, pick up the series DVD. We just bought season 1 and will probably buy season 2 when it comes out.

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