Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My contest guitar arrived

I finally received the guitar I won from the online guitar playing contest. Though the pictures on the contest page showed a translucent dark red guitar, I was surprised to see they sent me a green one.

This green one is a special limited edition - only 60 were made. Initially though, I didn't like the color, and the shape seemed like a warped Les Paul.

The abalone trim seems a bit over the top for a rock guitar.

But on the plus side, look at the carve on the back of the neck where it joins the body - the upper fret access is really good for a set neck, Les Paul styled guitar (yes, I am guitar geeking out here).

And it is made REALLY well. Super high quality construction and some premium woods, from the mahogany back to the quilted maple top. And after I did some set up on it, it plays like a dream. So whereas I was planning on selling it before I even received it, now I will keep it and play it. Schecter is one of the few pretty big guitar brands that I've never owned. Plus it's a nice "trophy" for winning the guitar playing contest, and how can I complain about a free guitar?

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