Saturday, September 12, 2009

AWESOME soccer day

What an incredible day it was today. We started out taking pictures for our girls U6 team. Then we had a 9:00 game. Though AYSO is supposed to distribute the teams evenly, it seems like we have a lot of really good players on our team. And in fact, my girls were scoring too much today. I had to ask one of them to start passing off and playing with her less dominant foot, because AYSO discourages running up the score.

Here are a few of the girls enjoying some downtime:

And here's a video of one of the many breakaway scoring drives of the game:

It was a really nice victory for us, but in a lot of ways it was really sad. There was a girl on the other team that (according to my wife) just gave up every time she saw one of our girls breaking away with the ball. At the very end, there was a girl who just stood there, not facing anyone, and just cried. I felt so sad for them. And yet I can't ask my girls not to play their hardest. So finding ways of getting them to NOT score so much (like playing with your less dominant foot, etc.) is something I'm going to have to research more before we progress through the season, just in case this happens again. But I'm sure we'll have our share of crying due to getting outscored too this season!!

We had a little break before we headed over to our U10 boys game. We were missing two boys, one due to baseball, and another to a church event. So no one was able to take a break during the game. It was intense, but we won 5 to 2. I was particularly proud of my son, who went head to head with one of the best players I know from last season. And my son stole the ball from him several times.

This video is one of my son's steals, though the opponent in the video isn't the kid I was talking about.

And here's my son stealing from the kid I mentioned.

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